
Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Sunday, October 9, 2022

10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Join us on Brooklyn Children’s Museum’s rooftop to honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day in partnership with the North American Indigenous Center of New York. Featuring storytelling, live music, theater performances, food demonstrations, games and art-making!


Future Weaving with Ty Defoe

World champion hoop dancer and award-winning Broadway playwright and performer Ty Defoe will excite and inspire through new ways of storytelling. This interactive program will explore both Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) knowledge, creating experiences by interweaving traditional teachings, sound, and movement.

Traditional Woodland Dancing

Chris Thomas of Onondaga Nation and Beaver Clan will be leading a traditional Haudenosaunee Social featuring a variety of social dances and a smoke dance performance. Chris will be accompanied by his family; his daughter, Awksanah Wesley, will be dancing alongside him, and his partner Chanelle will be showcasing her contemporary Native American beaded jewelry in the Indian Craft and Marketplace.

Haudenosaunee Storytelling

Storyteller Perry Ground will share traditional Haudenosaunee legends that have been told for hundreds of years. These stories teach about the beliefs, customs, and history of the Haudenosaunee people.

Terracotta Pottery

Create a pinch pot or coil pot using terracotta clay with BCM Teaching Artists in ColorLab.

Traditional Strawberry Drinks

Learn about the role of strawberries in Haudenosaunee culture and throughout the northeast of Turtle Island. Join Chef David Smoke-McCluskey at this ken’niiohontésha (gah-nee-oh-hoon-des-sah) strawberry teaching and strawberry drink workshop.