Brooklyn Rooftop Party for Little Amal
Thursday, September 22, 2022
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Join us Thursday, September 22 as we host a special rooftop celebration welcoming Little Amal during her debut visit to the United States – and more specifically, her first time in Brooklyn! Little Amal is a 13-foot tall puppets who has traveled the world shining a light on international human rights.
Amal has told us she wants to play, so that’s exactly what we plan to do! Join us at our rooftop party featuring games, Double Dutch, henna, a DJ and food vendors. Families are invited to take part in a community art project where participants will help to weave a huge web of yarn. Led by artist Natalia Nakazawa, this workshop will have children share stories about where they come from and their dreams of where they hope to go.
Little Amal will be at BCM from 3:30 pm–4:30 pm on Thursday, September 22, during Amazon Free Hours.